Sunday, November 22, 2009

Double Wedding Ring Quilt Pieced!

This weekend I finally finished piecing the Double Wedding Ring Quilt. And after ten months of working on this diabolical quilt pattern, I feel like it should be . . . bigger. According to John Flynn's instructions this quilt with the 18 inch rings set four across and five down will finish at 54 1/2 inches by 66 3/4 inches. I don't know what quilt he is talking about; the effort I put into this should result in a quilt 120 x 140 inches at least! : ) Here are some close ups:

These aren't the best photos - they were taken last night on my kitchen floor. (You can enlarge them by clicking on them.) But I will say that the quilt came out as envisioned. I wanted the arcs to be black and white, but not too black - I wanted the black squares to stand out from the arc.
I learned a lot on this quilt. Curved piecing for one. I was nearly paralyzed when it came to putting the rings into rows and then sewing the rows together because I knew I wasn't going to be able to do it perfectly. But I finally decided done was better than perfect, and it was time to just do it. It's not perfect, but my confidence has grown just by the fact I was able to get this quilt put together - I feel like I could sew any quilt pattern after this.
I'm glad I got this together before year end. Piecing this quilt was one of my goals for 2009, and I didn't want 2010 to find me still piecing away. I want new goals for 2010!
Now turning my attention to Christmas projects . . . I don't mean to alarm you, but Christmas is about four weeks away!!!


  1. It's beautiful and it looks perfect to me. Congrats for sticking with it.

  2. Oh, it is awesome! Good for you for finishing the piecing. Yes, I hear you about Christmas being so close. I guess I need to get back to the 30 minutes per day or some people won't get Christmas gifts!

  3. It turned out beautifully! What a project! Good for you girl!

  4. Stunning! I love your color choices: a black, white and red double wedding ring: brilliant!

    I just posted today my scrappy DWR top made with vintage and repro fabrics!

  5. Oh I love the effects of the black and red squares how you placed them. This is very pretty. Congratulations on finishing it this year! I'll have to measure one of my rings when I get one finished and see how big they are.. I have no idea. But that's funny the pattern didn't come out the same with yours. I have not tried John Flynn's.. but have heard about it.
    I so hear you about the piecing! It takes forever!

  6. How about this snow? Can you tell I am catching up on blog reading. You did a fantastic job on this quilt. It is really beautiful. I know how much work this was because I have made a similar one, though I think my arc pieces were larger (and easier to sew). The recipient of this quilt is going to love it.

  7. Your black and white double wedding ring quilt is fantastic. I love that you used non-traditional colors for the quilt. I have only seen it made in pastel or calicos.
    You have given me the incentive to try one of my own inspite of the curves.

  8. I have the material to make a double wedding ring quilt and thought I still had the pattern from one I made in 1992. What pattern did you use for yours? It has the six pieces in each ring and your square blocks are actually square, unlike others I have seen. Thank you for the info! Your quilt is beautiful!! (my whole house is red, black and white)
