Sunday, November 8, 2009

It's My Blog-Aversary!

I realized that I have been blogging for one year today! Here was my very first post. And in honor of this auspicious occasion, I made a cupcake of the pincushion kind. The pattern is from Cindy Talyor Oats that I got at my LQS. Making pincushions seems all the rage lately and Quilting Adventures even had the ground-up-fine walnut shells for the filling which are supposed to be better than sand for your pins, but I don't know why. The pattern was fairly easy to follow except for the parts where they tell you to press the seams. How??? You are dealing with a two inch circumference on this project. At any rate, the pincushion works great.

I want to sincerely thank all of you that read my little blog (hi Mother!). I have enjoyed it very much and I surprised myself by realizing that this is my 61st post in a year. There are several of you that I feel I have gotten to know through your blogs, and even though I'm not a big commenter (sorry about that), please know that I am lurking and enjoying everything you do and write about. I'm excited about so much more in the year to come!


  1. Happy Blogaversary! Hope you have many more great years!

  2. I have a cupcake that my sister made but I want to find a book on pincushions -- I saw one that had the cutest wool ones but didn't buy it and haven't seen it since.

    Happy Anniversary!

  3. Congratulations on your Blog-Aversary Kim. -- Sally

  4. Kim,

    Happy Blog-Aversary (nice play on words). I'm also not a commenter, even on Facebook - just visit. Keep on blogging.

