Sunday, January 31, 2010

Big Snow! (Again)

We had a snow storm yesterday, and I waited until nine o'clock this morning to start shoveling the drive as it had then warmed up to a balmy 14 degrees F. This is what greeted me as the garage door opened:
I shoveled in stages; after I got half the driveway done, I stopped and listened. It was unbelievably quiet and I was surprised by that. I expected to hear kids outside playing in the snow, or at least hear dogs romping around in it. Nothing. Nada. I walked out of the neighborhood until I reached the main four lane road, and I stood in the middle of it for nearly five minutes and not a single car came by. It was quieter than a Sunday morning; quieter than Christmas morning, even.
I walked around the neighborhood and took some photos, but not many because I felt as if I couldn't do the beauty justice; I would never be able to capture it as it was. I met some feral cats. I finally met a man with an empty leash looking for his dog who had uncharacteristically run away in the snow, and I thought, "Smart dog." He was the only one enjoying the snowy morning the way it should be celebrated. I'm glad I got the chance to stand in the middle of it and listen.
Parting Shot: To shovel in 14 degrees I wore my fleece jammy pants under my kilt. I wore an icelandic sweater Eileen knitted for me several years ago, and a knitted cap I got in Unst year before last. At this point, my neighbors aren't the least bit surprised by anything I wear. : )


  1. Oh, that's why I can't shove snow - I don't have a kilt!

  2. and you think your dad is strange for resisting shoes? :)

  3. OK, you have a point, Anne. I come by my craziness honestly. I once forwarded a funny (to me) email from my brother to my friend Aimee and she said, "Oh my God, it (I presume she meant 'craziness') runs in the family!"

    We can only assume that once one wears a Crab Dress, one is past caring what the world thinks . . .

    : )

  4. Now I know where all my snow is going. We've got bare patches of ground. Send it back!

  5. WOW! That is alot of snow! Thanks for snow here...wildflowers!
