Saturday, December 6, 2008

It's Snowing!

I took a half day off yesterday and I am glad I did because I was able to get a photo of this:

This is the lap size quilt I having been making for Prayer Sister Maria. Yesterday afternoon was the last sun I saw and I was able to get this close up as well:

This quilt was made from a pattern I got at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Show in February. I can't remember the company who devised it, but it is one of those quilt patterns you can make from five fabrics each 1 yard long. I obviously used more fabrics than that, mostly from the Moda line. Maria loves flowers and she loves pastels, so I thought this quilt was perfect for her.

I made my Prayer Sister Donna a quilt from this same pattern, in the five fabrics as intended. I also got a photo of it yesterday while the sun shone:

Here is a close up:

I'm pleased with these, although as I have said before, the pattern was so easy that I found it boring and as it result, it took me 10 months to get them done. Not good.

These quilts will go to the machine quilter after the first of the year; the size is just on the cusp of too large for me to machine quilt, and besides, I hate machine quilting on my sewing machine.

Parting Shot: I have no parting shot tonight, but I should have taken a photo of the dinner I made. I cooked! I made a pork roast, according to the instructions given to me by Greg, Sherri's husband. I made it with apple cider as my basting liquid, and I cooked onions, crab apples, and carrots with it. Also made sweet potatoes in butter and brown sugar. And then I shared it with Glen and Tammy since I very well couldn't eat all that by myself. The roast wasn't as good as Greg's but then, he is a professional chef - I'll have to pester him some more on further details of the great pork roast receipe. But everything tasted pretty good.


  1. What a beautiful little quilt, I bet Maria will love it!

  2. The quilt is so pretty. I love the rose fabric.

  3. loved seeing my quilt. You did an excellent job of selecting the fabric to go with my bedroom at the cottage. Also looking forward to getting my scrap bag from you. One of these days I am going to make all my prayer sisters something--I promise!
